Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 3 # 6

I am amazed by the number of things one can do with Flickr and some of the "mashups" - it looks like a fun way to create your own calendar, etc. with your photos. Unfortunately it looks like you need to have your own account with your own pictures uploaded to actually use those tools. (Sadly, I don't have a digital camera, but I have been told that I could have a roll of film put on a disk and upload from the disk - maybe I'll try that with pictures from my next vacation, and then attempt to make a calendar)!

Week # 3 Photos & Images

My work place.

I’ve really enjoyed Flickr. I’ve been putting up my photos and browsing through all the others out there, viewing pics my friends, co-workers, and acquaintances have posted. Some of the images are amazing, some are cute, they’re all making me want to get back into photography, too

Week # 2

Will you be my friend?

In a literal sense, being a friend usually entails knowing someone and engaging in activities or community on a regular basis, whether through an organization or personal relationships formed over years of being acquainted.
Usually there are common interests, bonds and even shared relatives or mutual friends.
In recent times, acquiring virtual friendships has entered into our society within the open doors of the Internet by means of social networking sites, sites whose users beg the question, "will you be my friend?"
How many millions of people have experienced the phenomenon of MySpace, Facebook, and other websites created solely for the purpose of facilitating relationships between people with similar interests and business goals?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Week 1

I've finally signed on to web learning 2.0. Yay!
It is not difficult as I thought it would be, but just getting started was big task, I think I will give it a go and see how it goes.