Monday, November 12, 2007

Week 6, # 14

At first glance, I had no idea of what Technorati was all about. Did it search blog posts? There wasn't much information on the home page about what it did and how it worked. Was it so well known that it didn't have to explain itself, like a celebrity with one name?I did a search on "library 2.0" and came up with 4962 posts. Searching the "tags only" and "with some authority" (default), it came down to 481 posts. A graph on the side shows the blog mentions of "library 2.0" in the past 30 days. I'd like to go back to read some of the blog posts from the "tags only" search of library 2.0.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting that there's no way to regulate tags - you get such a wide variety of results :)